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USCCE 2021 Virtual Summit

Did you miss the May event? 

Check out the event recordings

We know that travel for many in 2021 is still questionable.  To help support and grow our community, the USCCE has opted to a virtual event in 2021.   Our goal is to return to a live event in June 2022.  The details for the May event can be found below.  September details will be posted later this spring.

Thank you to the May Summit Planning Committee, Liam McCarthy, Rebecca Zakrajsek, Sam Callan, Tom Avischious, Mark Hesse, Maureen Griffith and Earlynn Lauer and to our panelists and presenters for making the May Virtual Mini Summit such a success! And thank you to our event sponsors!

​Don't forget, in addition to the mini-summits, the USCCE hosts an ongoing Engagement Events series to support collaboration and conversation on key topics related to supporting and growing best practices in #Qualitycoaching

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Virtual Mini Summit - May 17-19

Monday May 17

Tuesday May 18

Wednesday May 19

11am to 12:15pm ET *WATCH*

The USCCE: Supporting a profession, a discipline & quality sport coaching for all

Join the USCCE for the opening session of the 2021 mini-summit as we celebrate entering our 5th as an organization dedicated to supporting sport coaching education and the professionals who educate and develop sport coaches. This presentation will provide an overview of what the USCCE does, its strategic plan, and the USCCE's National Sport Report.

11am to 12:15pm ET *WATCH*

The evolving & essential role of the coach: How much is too much to expect?

The coach has always played a central role in the athlete experience.   Good or bad, the coach can have a lasting impact on not only skill development and performance but also on things like self-esteem and lifelong fitness habits.  In addition to supporting athletic skill development and fitness gains, sport coaching expectations now include facilitating positive youth development and mental health support.  How much is too much to expect from the role?  Join the panelists in discussing the current expectations of sport coaches across the different levels of sport and the role that coaching education and coach developers can play in supporting coaches.

2021 Sponsors
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11am to 12:15pm ET *WATCH*

Emerging systems of coach education & coach development

Sport coaching education is provided through a variety of systems from academic degrees to weekend workshops. In addition to often being sport-specific, there is a growing number of programs that train coaches to support youth development through sport. The panelists in this session will discuss sport coaching education approaches across the sport spectrum including the influence of athlete development models and the sport-based youth development foucs, examining the common core topics and essential differences.

Full May Virtual Program


Professional rate $99 for full program registration

Student rate $59 for full program registration

Event registration includes 2021 USCCE membership!

Already a USCCE Member? 

The May mini-summit is included in 2021 membership. Watch for the email with the registration code.

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Monday May 17

11am to 12:15pm ET *WATCH*

The USCCE: Supporting a profession, a discipline & quality sport coaching for all

12:30-1:45pm ET

Assessment as a feature of coach programs: What, why & how?

The assessment experiences of sports coaches, on coach education programs, has received little attention and as such is often overlooked by coach educators and coach developers. This is problematic since assessment is a feature of nearly all coach education programs and the ability to coach can often depend upon it (e.g., certification, qualification, license). In this session, the speakers will make a case for assessment as learning, by sharing examples from around the world and principles of good assessment practice which could be adopted.

2 - 3:15pm ET - HOT TOPIC

Diversity, equity & inclusion in coach education

As educators and leaders, coaches are in a unique position to work within communities.  Through this role, a coach can be a supportive agent of change in addition to their responsibility to create a safe and equitable environment for the athletes they serve.  The panelists in this session will explore current best practices in coach education to support.

3:15-4:15 pm ET

Energize, Engage, & Collaborate #1

Join us for a social engagement session with designated breakout rooms for discussing the topics of the day, for student engagement, and to talk to colleagues in the field.  Participants will be able to join and leave the virtual engagement rooms throughout the session.

Tuesday May 18

11am to 12:15pm ET *WATCH*

The evolving & essential role of the coach: How much is too much to expect?

12:30-1:45pm ET

Evaluating coach education programs: What is working, why & how?

Coach education programs are a well-recognized feature of coaches’ professional development. Indeed, significant resources (e.g., human, financial) are invested in designing and delivering coach education programs across the United States and the globe. However, little meaningful evaluation work has been carried out, and no dedicated evaluation methodology exists to do this work; we argue that this is problematic. Panelists in this session will outline the ‘problem situation and present examples and practical strategies for moving the field forward.

2 - 3:15pm ET - HOT TOPIC

Coach education after a year of COVID: What has changed, what stays the same & what's next?

Panelists in this session, representing a wide range of programs will share the programmatic coaching education COVID adjustments experiences and impact in 2020.  An emphasis will be placed on essential lessons learned and the future of virtual and in-person learning in coach education design and delivery.

3:15-4:15 pm ET

Engage, Energize, & Collaborate #2

Join us for a social engagement session with designated breakout rooms for discussing the topics of the day, for student engagement, and to talk to colleagues in the field.  Participants will be able to join and leave the virtual engagement rooms throughout the session.

5-6 pm ET

2021 Member Assembly

The open annual meeting for USCCE members.  The new board members will be announced and the 2021 Legacy award winner will be announced.  There are no votes pending for this year's meeting.

Wednesday May 19

11am to 12:15pm ET *WATCH*

Emerging systems of coach education & coach development

12:30-1:45pm ET

The evolving role of the coach developer within coach education: Models & recommendations

As the demands and expectations on coaches, across all contexts, change, the work of professionals who support coaches is also changing.  Athletic directors, program directors, and coaching managers all play essential and evolving roles in coach education and professional development.  Additionally, the roles and responsibilities of the coach educators and coach developers who design and deliver coach education curriculum and who support coach learning continue to evolve as well.  Speakers in this session will share program innovations and recommendations from a range of sport contexts.

2 -3:15pm ET - HOT TOPIC

The next decade: Coach education, action items & global conversations

Join the USCCE for an exciting session exploring key initiatives and innovations occurring nationally and globally supporting the growth of the discipline and application of coaching education and coach development.

3:15-4:15 pm ET

Engage, Energize, & Collaborate #3

Join us for a social engagement session with designated breakout rooms for discussing the topics of the day, for student engagement, and to talk to colleagues in the field.  Participants will be able to join and leave the virtual engagement rooms throughout the session.

2021 Sponsors
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