A national non-profit organization dedicated to elevating and enhancing the professions of sport coaching, coach education and coach development.
National Committee for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE)
Congratulations to the newly accredited programs!
For a full list of accredited Coach Education Programs, please click here.
The National Committee for Accreditation of Coaching Education (NCACE) is the premier authority on coaching education in the United States.
NCACE offers accreditation and national recognition to sport organizations and institutions responsible for the preparation of coaches at any and all levels of sport.
Our rigorous review process ensures alignment with National Standards for Sport Coaches, and that coaches are trained to effectively meet the unique developmental needs of every athlete.
Through forward-thinking leadership and our team of expert reviewers, NCACE is uniquely positioned to provide the highest quality, empirically-based guidance for the creation, implementation and evaluation of coaching education programs.
Find out more about coaching education program accreditation by clicking on the image above
or send an email to
Virtual Accreditation Information Events
June 15th @ 1 pm ET - Preparing for Re-Accreditation Under the New NCACE Accreditation Guidelines
To register: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89294203194?pwd=L1pPdlFrVXlpaDN4Yk83UFl3TUpJdz09
June 22nd @ 1 pm ET- Preparing an Accreditation Folio Under the New NCACE Accreditation Guidelines
To register: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84343805704?pwd=YS82Z09DVmNBc3A2eFBzQWRJWXZKZz09