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North American Coach Development Summit
Presenter Information & Program Submission Process

Submission Guidelines

June 8-10, 2022 in Spokane, Washington

The first call for abstracts closed on November 14.  Lead authors will be notified in early December.

We know that many professionals, despite being eager to re-connect with peers, are still experiencing uncertainty around conference travel.  A second call for submissions opens December 15, 2021 and closes January 16, 2022. 
The second call will welcome completed work as well as student proposal work.  Authors will be notified by the end of January. 
If you have any questions, please contact

Please read the information below before submitting a program proposal.


The call for programs is intended for original research, collaborative work and educational purpose presentations.  The USCCE welcomes and encourages submissions from applied practitioners,  academics, and students in coaching, coach education and coach development from North America and around the world.  Please review the Summit mission to learn more about the scope of the event, our membership, and to review previous programs to ensure your work aligns with the event.


In an effort to keep the program fresh and innovative, authors are asked to submit no more than one abstract as a lead author. 


Submissions should be for original work, not presented elsewhere.


Presenting authors of accepted abstracts are required to register for the conference and are responsible for their own travel, lodging, and other conference related expenses.  Accepted authors will be notified in December 2021.


Sales programs, service-related programs or similar type programming should not submit through this format and will not be accepted as abstracts.  Individuals and organizations interested in presenting for-sale products and services related to the summit audience are invited to inquire about sponsorship and presentation opportunities at the summit by sending an email to

The Program Submission process will ask for:

  • Lead and contributing author names, email contacts & affiliations

  • Program title

  • A 300 word description (abstract - APA format preferred)

  • Program submission category (see below)

Summit Program Submission  Categories

Great Program Practices Presentation submission

'Great Program Practice' are 15 minute lecture presentations designed to share ideas, challenges, and solution strategies for educating coaches, providing coaching education and enhancing coach development with peer organizations (education based, not-for-profit and for-profit).  Program submissions in this category should be designed to share and explore great practices from the program perspective. Organizations and programs are encouraged to share their current models of practice for coaching education or coach development.

Research to Practice Presentation submission

'Research to Practice' are 15 minute lecture  presentations that bring together cutting edge research and real world application.  Program submissions in this category should be based on original applied research or research based reviews of great practices and should focus on providing concrete, real world take home applications for coach educators and coach developers as well as providing future research directions. 

Workshop submission

A 'workshop' presents an in-depth 60 minute exploration of a theme and should provide opportunities to share professional practice strategies through demonstrations and hands-on experiences for participants. Workshop abstracts must include: a statement of the specific learning objectives, teaching methods, specific techniques, and a description of materials that will be shared with workshop participants. Programs can be research and/or application based.

Master Class submission

A 'master class' is a 90 -120 minute program that is an in depth exploration of an applied or research based topic in coaching, coach education and/or coach development.  Master classes should have a clear target audience (e.g. academic coach educators, non-profit sport organization leaders) and 2-3 specific objectives (e.g., developing coaching minor coursework, retention of volunteer female coaches).  Master classes are not lecture based and should be designed to stimulate discussion among a group of peers to explore shared challenges, develop research needs, discuss new concepts, etc.  Master class participation will be by pre-registration only and class sizes will be capped at a maximum of 20 participants to allow for quality interaction.  Priority will be given to master class submissions that can demonstrate clear outcome goals.

Student Project/ Proposal Poster submission

Student project/ proposal posters should be student led submissions that are in the conceptual phase, a work in progress or a completed study in the area of coaching education and coach development.  Students are encouraged to submit projects, theses, or dissertations.  Collaborating academic advisors should be included as authors on student submissions.  Poster authors will prepare hanging posters and will be expected to present their work during the dedicated poster session  during the Summit.  The interactive poster session will allow for opportunities for students to engage with peers, academics, and professionals in the field for feedback and discussion.  The poster format should be A0 (1189mm x 841mm / 33.1 x 46.8 inches) and will hang horizontal.

Interactive Poster submission

'Interactive posters' present research findings, applied materials, techniques and/or proposed conceptual frameworks in the areas of coaching education and coach development.  Accepted posters will be on display during a dedicated time during the Summit program and the interactive time is designed to spark discussion and support networking.  Poster authors will prepare hanging posters and will be expected to present their work during the dedicated poster session during the Summit.  The poster format should be A0 (1189mm x 841mm / 33.1 x 46.8 inches) and will hang horizontal.

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